Mastering Salesforce: Making the Sale_Line_Id Field Invisible
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Mastering Salesforce: Making the Sale_Line_Id Field Invisible

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Are you tired of cluttered page layouts and unnecessary fields pestering your users? Do you want to streamline your Salesforce experience and make it more user-friendly? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to make the sale_line_id field invisible, freeing up valuable real estate on your page layouts and improving overall user satisfaction.

Why Make the Sale_Line_Id Field Invisible?

The sale_line_id field, while useful for behind-the-scenes operations, is often unnecessary for everyday users. By making it invisible, you can:

  • Simplify page layouts and reduce visual clutter
  • Improve user experience by minimizing distractions
  • Enhance page loading speeds by removing unnecessary elements
  • Increase data accuracy by reducing user error

Prerequisites and Assumptions

Before we dive into the instructions, make sure you have:

  • A Salesforce org with the necessary permissions and access
  • A basic understanding of Salesforce page layouts and fields
  • Familiarity with the Salesforce Setup menu and navigation

Step 1: Identify the Sale_Line_Id Field

The first step is to locate the sale_line_id field on your page layout. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Setup menu in your Salesforce org
  2. Click on Objects and Fields under the Customize tab
  3. Select the object containing the sale_line_id field (e.g., Opportunity or Account)
  4. Click on the Fields tab
  5. Search for the sale_line_id field using the search bar

Take note of the field’s API name, as you’ll need it later.

Step 2: Create a Custom Field-Level Security Setting

To make the sale_line_id field invisible, you’ll need to create a custom field-level security setting. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup menu in your Salesforce org
  2. Click on Security under the Administer tab
  3. Select Field-Level Security
  4. Click the New button to create a new field-level security setting
  5. Enter a descriptive label for the setting (e.g., “Hide Sale_Line_Id Field”)
  6. Select the object containing the sale_line_id field (e.g., Opportunity or Account)
  7. Select the sale_line_id field from the list of available fields
  8. Set the field’s accessibility to Hidden
  9. Click Save to save the new field-level security setting

Step 3: Assign the Custom Field-Level Security Setting

Now that you’ve created the custom field-level security setting, it’s time to assign it to the necessary profiles or users. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Setup menu in your Salesforce org
  2. Click on Security under the Administer tab
  3. Select Users or Profiles, depending on your desired scope
  4. Select the user or profile to which you want to assign the custom field-level security setting
  5. Click the Edit button to edit the user or profile
  6. Scroll down to the Field-Level Security section
  7. Click the Edit button next to the object containing the sale_line_id field
  8. Select the custom field-level security setting you created in Step 2
  9. Click Save to save the changes

Step 4: Verify the Results

To confirm that the sale_line_id field is now invisible, navigate to a record containing the field and verify that it’s no longer visible.

If you’re still seeing the field, double-check your setup and ensure that the custom field-level security setting is assigned correctly.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Common issues and solutions:

Issue Solution
The sale_line_id field is still visible after setting it to hidden. Verify that the custom field-level security setting is assigned to the correct profile or user. Check that the setting is not overridden by another security setting.
The sale_line_id field is still editable after setting it to hidden. Ensure that the field’s accessibility is set to Hidden, not Read-Only. Additionally, check that there are no other security settings or workflows that override the custom field-level security setting.

Best practices:

  • Test your custom field-level security setting in a sandbox environment before deploying it to production.
  • Document your custom field-level security settings for future reference and auditing purposes.
  • Regularly review and update your custom field-level security settings as your org’s requirements change.


By following these steps, you’ve successfully made the sale_line_id field invisible in your Salesforce org. Remember to regularly review and update your custom field-level security settings to ensure they continue to meet your org’s needs. Happy customizing!

 Bonus Tip: 
Use the Debug log to troubleshoot field-level security issues. Enable the DEBUG log level for the FieldLevelSecurity category to gain insight into the evaluation process.

Mastering Salesforce is a continuous process. Stay tuned for more tutorials, tips, and best practices to help you unlock the full potential of your Salesforce org!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about making the sale_line_id field invisible? We’ve got the answers!

How do I make the sale_line_id field invisible in Odoo?

To make the sale_line_id field invisible in Odoo, go to the Sales module, click on the “Edit” button, and then click on the “View” button. In the XML view, locate the sale_line_id field and add the attribute “invisible=True” to make it invisible. Don’t forget to save and update your changes!

Why would I want to make the sale_line_id field invisible?

You might want to make the sale_line_id field invisible if you’re using a custom sales pipeline and don’t want to clutter the sales order lines with unnecessary information. By making it invisible, you can streamline the sales order process and focus on the essential details.

Will making the sale_line_id field invisible affect my sales reports?

No, making the sale_line_id field invisible will not affect your sales reports. The sales reports are generated based on the sales data, not the visibility of the fields on the sales order lines.

Can I make the sale_line_id field invisible for specific users only?

Yes, you can make the sale_line_id field invisible for specific users or groups by using access rights and security rules in Odoo. This way, you can control who has access to the field and who doesn’t.

Will I be able to see the sale_line_id field again if I need to?

Yes, you can always make the sale_line_id field visible again by simply removing the “invisible=True” attribute from the XML view. Your changes will be updated, and the field will reappear on the sales order lines.