Unleashing the Power of Tradingview Charting Library: OnClick Event to Get Price
Image by Jolien - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Tradingview Charting Library: OnClick Event to Get Price

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If you’re a developer or a trader looking to create a customized trading platform or application, you’re likely familiar with the Tradingview Charting Library. This powerful tool allows you to create interactive and dynamic charts that can elevate your trading experience. One of the most useful features of the Tradingview Charting Library is the ability to trigger an OnClick event on a chart, which enables you to retrieve the price data of the clicked point. In this article, we’ll dive deep into how to implement this feature and unlock the full potential of your charting application.

Why Use OnClick Event?

The OnClick event is an essential feature in the Tradingview Charting Library that enables you to interact with your chart in a more intuitive way. By triggering an OnClick event, you can retrieve the price data of the clicked point, which can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Creating a custom alert system that notifies you when a specific price level is reached
  • Developing a strategy that executes trades based on specific price levels
  • Enhancing your chart with additional information, such as displaying the price value on hover or click

Getting Started with Tradingview Charting Library

  1. Include the Tradingview Charting Library script in your HTML file: <script src="https://cdn.tradingview.com/cht-js-library.js"></script>
  2. Create a container element for your chart: <div id="chart-container"></div>
  3. Initialize the charting library and create a new chart instance:
        new TradingView.widget({
            "container_id": "chart-container",
            "symbol": "AAPL",
            "interval": "1m",
            "theme": "Light",
            "toolbar_bg": "#f1f3f6",
            "enable_publishing": false,
            "withdateranges": true,
            "range": "12m"

Implementing the OnClick Event

Now that you have your chart set up, let’s move on to the main topic: implementing the OnClick event. The Tradingview Charting Library provides an onClick method that you can use to attach a callback function to the chart. This function will be executed whenever a user clicks on the chart.

chartRef = new TradingView.widget({
    // chart options

chartRef.onChartEvent("click", function(event) {
    // event handler function

In the code snippet above, we’re using the onChartEvent method to attach a callback function to the click event. The callback function will receive an event object as an argument, which contains information about the clicked point.

Accessing the Price Data

Now that you have the OnClick event triggered, you can access the price data of the clicked point using the event object. The event object contains several properties, including:

Property Description
time The timestamp of the clicked point in milliseconds
price The price value of the clicked point
point The point object that contains the x and y coordinates of the clicked point

You can access the price data using the event.price property. For example:

chartRef.onChartEvent("click", function(event) {
    console.log("Clicked price:", event.price);

In this example, we’re logging the clicked price to the console. You can replace the console.log statement with your own logic to handle the price data.

Advanced Techniques

Now that you have the basics of the OnClick event down, let’s explore some advanced techniques to enhance your charting application:

Displaying the Price Value on Hover

You can use the OnClick event to display the price value on hover by attaching a mouseover event to the chart. Here’s an example:

chartRef.onChartEvent("mouseover", function(event) {
    var priceValue = event.price;
    // display the price value on hover
    document.getElementById("price-value").innerHTML = priceValue;

Creating a Custom Alert System

You can use the OnClick event to create a custom alert system that notifies you when a specific price level is reached. Here’s an example:

chartRef.onChartEvent("click", function(event) {
    var priceValue = event.price;
    if (priceValue > 100) {
        alert("Price has reached 100!");


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of implementing the OnClick event in the Tradingview Charting Library to retrieve the price data of the clicked point. We’ve also explored advanced techniques to enhance your charting application, such as displaying the price value on hover and creating a custom alert system. With this knowledge, you’re ready to take your trading platform to the next level and unlock the full potential of the Tradingview Charting Library.

Remember to experiment with different event handlers and callbacks to customize your charting application to your specific needs. Happy coding!


Frequently asked questions about the Tradingview Charting Library and OnClick event:

  • Q: What is the Tradingview Charting Library?
  • A: The Tradingview Charting Library is a JavaScript library that allows you to create interactive and dynamic charts for your trading platform.
  • Q: How do I implement the OnClick event in the Tradingview Charting Library?
  • A: You can implement the OnClick event by attaching a callback function to the chart using the onChartEvent method.
  • Q: How do I access the price data of the clicked point?
  • A: You can access the price data of the clicked point using the event object, which contains the price property.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Tradingview Charting Library and uncover the secrets of capturing price data with an OnClick event on your chart!

How do I capture the price on a specific point on the chart when a user clicks on it?

You can achieve this by using the ` onClick` parameter in the `chart` function. This parameter takes a callback function as an argument, which is triggered when the user clicks on the chart. Within this callback function, you can access the `chart.pointToPrice` function to get the price at the clicked point. Simply pass the `x` coordinate of the clicked point to this function, and it will return the corresponding price value.

How can I get the timestamp of the clicked point on the chart?

Easy peasy! When the user clicks on the chart, the `onClick` callback function receives an `event` object as an argument. This object contains the `x` coordinate of the clicked point, which corresponds to the timestamp of the bar. You can use this `x` coordinate to get the timestamp using the `chart.axisPriceToValue` function. Simply pass the `x` coordinate to this function, and it will return the corresponding timestamp value.

Can I get the price and timestamp simultaneously when a user clicks on the chart?

Absolutely! You can get both the price and timestamp values within the `onClick` callback function. Simply use the `chart.pointToPrice` function to get the price and the `chart.axisPriceToValue` function to get the timestamp, as described in the previous answers. You can then use these values as needed in your application.

How can I restrict the OnClick event to only trigger on specific chart elements, such as candles or lines?

You can achieve this by checking the `event.target` property within the `onClick` callback function. This property returns the chart element that was clicked. You can then use conditional statements to filter out clicks on unwanted elements and only trigger the event when the desired element (e.g., a candle or line) is clicked.

Are there any performance considerations when using OnClick events on a chart with a large amount of data?

Yes, when dealing with large datasets, it’s essential to consider performance. To minimize the impact of OnClick events on chart performance, ensure that your callback function is optimized and only performs necessary operations. You can also consider using debouncing or throttling techniques to reduce the frequency of event triggers. Additionally, consider using a more efficient data structure, such as a binary search tree, to store and retrieve data points.