Unravel the Mystery: Find a String or Sequence of Characters in All Oracle Database Objects with Ease
Image by Jolien - hkhazo.biz.id

Unravel the Mystery: Find a String or Sequence of Characters in All Oracle Database Objects with Ease

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As an Oracle database administrator or developer, have you ever faced the daunting task of searching for a specific string or sequence of characters across all database objects? You’re not alone! This common conundrum has puzzled many, wasting precious time and resources. Worry no more, dear reader, for we’re about to unlock the secrets to effortlessly locate that elusive string in all Oracle database objects.

The Problem: Searching for a Needle in a Haystack

Imagine having to manually scour through thousands of lines of code, stored procedures, functions, and triggers, only to find that pesky string. It’s a monumental task, prone to human error, and requires an inordinate amount of time and effort. The frustration is palpable, isn’t it?

The Solution: Oracle’s Built-in Features and SQL Mastery

Fear not, dear reader, for Oracle provides an arsenal of built-in features and SQL techniques to simplify this arduous process. By leveraging these tools and understanding SQL nuances, you’ll be able to find that string or sequence of characters in no time!

Method 1: Using Oracle’s SEARCH_SOURCE Function

This approach is a straightforward and efficient way to search for a string within all Oracle database objects. The SEARCH_SOURCE function is a part of Oracle’s built-in functionality, allowing you to search for a specified string within the source code of your database objects.

  FOR cur_rec IN (
    SELECT object_name, object_type, line, text
    FROM all_source
    WHERE upper(text) LIKE '%SEARCH_STRING%'  -- Replace with your search string
    AND owner = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'  -- Replace with your schema name
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Object Name: ' || cur_rec.object_name || 
                          ', Object Type: ' || cur_rec.object_type || 
                          ', Line Number: ' || cur_rec.line || 
                          ', Text: ' || cur_rec.text);

In the above example, we’re using a PL/SQL block to iterate through the ALL_SOURCE view, which contains the source code of all database objects. We’re filtering the results to only show instances where the specified SEARCH_STRING is found. Make sure to replace SEARCH_STRING with your desired search term and YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME with the name of your schema.

Method 2: Utilizing Oracle’s REGEXP_LIKE Function

The REGEXP_LIKE function is a powerful tool for pattern matching and allows you to search for a string using regular expressions. This method is particularly useful when you need to search for a sequence of characters with a specific pattern.

SELECT object_name, object_type, line, text
FROM all_source
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(upper(text), 'REGEXP_PATTERN')  -- Replace with your regex pattern
AND owner = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'  -- Replace with your schema name;

In the above example, we’re using the REGEXP_LIKE function to search for a regex pattern within the ALL_SOURCE view. Replace REGEXP_PATTERN with your desired regex pattern and YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME with the name of your schema.

Method 3: Creating a Custom Search Function

For more complex searches or to customize the search criteria, you can create a custom search function using PL/SQL. This approach allows you to encapsulate the search logic and reuse it throughout your database.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_string(p_search_string IN VARCHAR2)
  OPEN v_cur FOR
    SELECT object_name, object_type, line, text
    FROM all_source
    WHERE upper(text) LIKE '%' || upper(p_search_string) || '%';
  RETURN v_cur;
END search_string;

In the above example, we’re creating a custom search function that takes a search string as an input parameter. The function returns a SYS_REFCURSOR, which can be used to fetch the search results.

To ensure your search is efficient and effective, follow these best practices:

  • Use indexes: Create indexes on the TEXT column of the ALL_SOURCE view to improve query performance.
  • Filter by schema: Limit your search to a specific schema by using the OWNER column.
  • Use regular expressions wisely: REGEXP_LIKE can be computationally expensive, so use it judiciously and optimize your regex patterns.
  • Cache your results: Consider caching your search results to reduce the load on your database.


In conclusion, finding a string or sequence of characters in all Oracle database objects is no longer a daunting task. By leveraging Oracle’s built-in features, such as the SEARCH_SOURCE function and REGEXP_LIKE, or creating custom search functions, you can effortlessly locate that elusive string. Remember to optimize your search using indexes, filtering by schema, and caching your results.

With these techniques under your belt, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an Oracle search master, effortlessly navigating the vast expanse of your database objects with ease and precision.

Method Description
SEARCH_SOURCE Function Easy to use, efficient, and built-in Oracle function for searching strings.
REGEXP_LIKE Function Powerful regular expression pattern matching for searching strings with complex patterns.
Custom Search Function Reusable, customizable, and optimal for complex searches or specific requirements.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Oracle database object searches!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of digging through Oracle Database objects to find a specific string or sequence of characters in the source code? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Is there an easy way to search for a string in all Oracle Database objects?

Yes, you can use the Oracle Database’s built-in search functionality, such as the DBMS_LOB package or the REGEXP_LIKE function, to search for a string in all Oracle Database objects. Alternatively, you can use third-party tools or scripts to search for the string.

How can I search for a string in all stored procedures, functions, and triggers?

You can use the DBMS_LOB package to search for a string in all stored procedures, functions, and triggers. Specifically, you can use the DBMS_LOB.INSTR function to search for a string within a LOB (Large OBject) column, such as the TEXT column in the USER_SOURCE view.

Can I use regular expressions to search for a pattern in Oracle Database objects?

Yes, you can use regular expressions in Oracle Database objects using the REGEXP_LIKE function. This function allows you to search for a pattern in a string, such as a specific word or phrase, using regular expression syntax.

How can I search for a string in all database objects, including tables, views, and indexes?

You can use a combination of Oracle Database’s built-in views and functions to search for a string in all database objects. For example, you can use the dba_objects view to get a list of all objects in the database, and then use the DBMS_LOB package to search for the string within each object.

Are there any third-party tools or scripts that can help me search for a string in Oracle Database objects?

Yes, there are several third-party tools and scripts available that can help you search for a string in Oracle Database objects. Some popular options include Oracle’s own SQL Developer tool, as well as third-party tools like Toad, PL/SQL Developer, and Dataedo.

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