Why .NET 8 is Not Listed in the Target Framework in VS 2022 on MacOS: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Jolien - hkhazo.biz.id

Why .NET 8 is Not Listed in the Target Framework in VS 2022 on MacOS: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you a MacOS user struggling to target .NET 8 in Visual Studio 2022? You’re not alone! Many developers have been scratching their heads, wondering why the latest .NET framework version is nowhere to be found in the target framework list. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to unravel this mystery and get you up and running with .NET 8 in no time!

The Story So Far…

With the release of Visual Studio 2022, MacOS users were excited to dive into the latest and greatest .NET framework version, .NET 8. However, upon launching the IDE, many were dismayed to find that .NET 8 was nowhere to be listed in the target framework dropdown. This sparked a flurry of online searches, forum posts, and frustrated developers wondering if they’d somehow misconfigured their environment.

What’s Going On?

So, what’s behind this curious case of the missing .NET 8 target framework? The answer lies in the compatibility matrix of .NET 8 and the Visual Studio 2022 version on MacOS.

.NET 8 is built on top of the .NET 6 Long-Term Support (LTS) release, which is not fully compatible with the MacOS version of Visual Studio 2022. Specifically, .NET 8 requires a minimum of MacOS 12.0 (Monterey) or later, whereas Visual Studio 2022 on MacOS is currently stuck on .NET 6.

Solutions and Workarounds

Fret not, dear reader! We’ve got a few solutions and workarounds to help you target .NET 8 in Visual Studio 2022 on MacOS:

1. Upgrade to MacOS 12.0 (Monterey) or Later

The simplest solution is to upgrade your MacOS to version 12.0 (Monterey) or later. This will ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for .NET 8. Once upgraded, you should be able to see .NET 8 listed in the target framework dropdown.

2. Use the .NET 8 SDK CLI

If upgrading your MacOS is not an option, you can still use the .NET 8 SDK Command-Line Interface (CLI) to create and manage .NET 8 projects.

dotnet new console -o MyNet8App -f net8.0

This command creates a new .NET 8 console app project in a directory named `MyNet8App`. You can then open this project in Visual Studio 2022, and although you won’t see .NET 8 listed in the target framework dropdown, you’ll be able to work with the project using the .NET 8 SDK.

3. Install the .NET 8 SDK Manually

Another option is to manually install the .NET 8 SDK on your MacOS. You can download the SDK from the official .NET website and follow the installation instructions.

SDK Version Download Link
.NET 8.0 SDK https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0

Once installed, you can create a new .NET 8 project using the .NET CLI, as shown earlier.

4. Wait for Visual Studio 2022 Update

The final solution is to wait for the next update of Visual Studio 2022, which is expected to include support for .NET 8 on MacOS. Keep an eye on the official Visual Studio blog and release notes for updates on this front.

Troubleshooting Tips

As you work with .NET 8 on MacOS, you might encounter some additional issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Verify .NET 8 installation**: Ensure that you’ve installed the .NET 8 SDK correctly by running the command `dotnet –version` in your terminal. This should display the .NET 8 version.
  • Check project compatibility**: If you’re working on an existing project, ensure that it’s compatible with .NET 8. You can do this by checking the project’s target framework and updating it to .NET 8 if necessary.
  • Update NuGet packages**: Make sure to update your NuGet packages to the latest versions, as some packages might not be compatible with .NET 8.


In conclusion, the mystery of the missing .NET 8 target framework in Visual Studio 2022 on MacOS has been solved! By upgrading to MacOS 12.0 or later, using the .NET 8 SDK CLI, installing the .NET 8 SDK manually, or waiting for the next Visual Studio 2022 update, you can overcome this obstacle and start building amazing .NET 8 applications on your MacOS machine.

Remember to keep an eye on the official .NET and Visual Studio blogs for the latest updates and announcements. Happy coding, and may the .NET 8 force be with you!

  1. .NET 8 Dependencies
  2. .NET 8 Announcement
  3. Visual Studio 2022 Mac System Requirements

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble finding .NET 8 in the target framework list in VS 2022 on your Mac? You’re not alone! Here are some answers to the most pressing questions about this frustrating issue.

Why can’t I find .NET 8 in the target framework list in VS 2022 on Mac?

.NET 8 is not available in the target framework list in VS 2022 on Mac because it’s still in preview mode. Microsoft has not yet officially released .NET 8, and it’s not compatible with macOS. You’ll need to wait until the official release or use a Windows machine for now.

Is there a workaround to use .NET 8 in VS 2022 on Mac?

Unfortunately, there is no official workaround to use .NET 8 in VS 2022 on Mac. However, you can try installing .NET 8 on a Windows machine and then use Remote Development to connect to that machine from your Mac. This way, you can still use .NET 8, but it’s not a seamless experience.

When will .NET 8 be available in VS 2022 on Mac?

Microsoft has not provided an exact release date for .NET 8 on Mac, but it’s expected to be available later this year. Keep an eye on the official .NET blog for updates on the release schedule.

Can I use an earlier version of .NET in VS 2022 on Mac?

Yes, you can use earlier versions of .NET in VS 2022 on Mac. The latest LTS (Long Term Support) version, .NET 6, is already available in VS 2022 on Mac. You can target .NET 6 or earlier versions in your projects, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to use the latest features and improvements in .NET 8.

Is .NET 8 compatible with other operating systems?

.NET 8 is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, but the macOS compatibility is still in preview mode. You can use .NET 8 on Windows and Linux machines without any issues, but macOS support is limited for now.