How to Add Content into TXT/LCR that is Ignored by Players
Image by Jolien -

How to Add Content into TXT/LCR that is Ignored by Players

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Are you tired of players ruining the immersion of your game or interactive story by accessing sensitive information in your TXT/LCR files? Do you want to keep certain details hidden from prying eyes? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to add content into TXT/LCR files that is ignored by players.

Table of Contents

Understanding TXT/LCR Files

Before we dive into the meat of this article, it’s essential to understand what TXT/LCR files are and how they work. TXT/LCR files are plain text files used to store data, such as game scripts, dialogue, and character information, in a format easily readable by both humans and machines. These files are commonly used in interactive fiction, visual novels, and adventure games.

TXT/LCR File Structure

; Comment line ( ignored by the game engine )
Key = Value
[Another Section]
Key2 = Value2

The basic structure of a TXT/LCR file consists of sections, denoted by square brackets `[]`, followed by key-value pairs. Comments, indicated by a semicolon `;`, are ignored by the game engine.

Hiding Content from Players

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the different methods to add content into TXT/LCR files that is ignored by players.

Method 1: Comment Out the Content

A simple yet effective way to hide content is by commenting it out using a semicolon `;`. Any line starting with a semicolon will be ignored by the game engine.

; This line is ignored by the game engine
; Key = Value

By commenting out the entire section or individual key-value pairs, you can effectively hide sensitive information from players.

Method 2: Use Obscure Section Names

Another approach is to use obscure section names that are not easily recognizable by players. This method takes advantage of the fact that players are unlikely to stumble upon these sections while browsing through the TXT/LCR file.

DebugMode = True
AdminPassword = mySecretPassword

Using section names with underscores, dots, or other special characters can help keep your hidden content, well, hidden.

Method 3: Encode the Content

Encoding the content using a simple cipher or encoding scheme can make it difficult for players to decipher the information.

Key = SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh

In this example, the value `SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh` is encoded using Base64. You can use more complex encoding schemes, such as AES or RSA, to further secure your content.

Method 4: Use Conditional Statements

Some game engines and TXT/LCR parsers support conditional statements, which allow you to control the flow of execution based on specific conditions. You can use these statements to hide content from players.

If DebugMode == False
    Key = Value

In this example, the `Key = Value` pair is only accessible if the `DebugMode` variable is set to `False`. Players will not be able to access this content unless they modify the `DebugMode` variable.

Securing Your TXT/LCR Files

Hiding content is only half the battle. To ensure the security and integrity of your TXT/LCR files, follow these best practices:

  • Use strong passwords and encryption: Protect your TXT/LCR files with strong passwords and consider encrypting sensitive data.
  • Limit access to sensitive files: Restrict access to TXT/LCR files containing sensitive information to authorized personnel only.
  • Use secure storage: Store your TXT/LCR files in a secure location, such as an encrypted folder or a secure cloud storage service.
  • Regularly monitor and update your files: Keep your TXT/LCR files up to date and monitor them regularly for any signs of tampering or unauthorized access.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered four methods to add content into TXT/LCR files that is ignored by players. By using comments, obscure section names, encoding, and conditional statements, you can effectively hide sensitive information from prying eyes. Remember to follow best practices to secure your TXT/LCR files and protect your game or interactive story from unauthorized access.

By implementing these techniques, you can create a more immersive experience for your players and maintain the integrity of your game or interactive story.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are these methods foolproof?

A: While these methods can help hide content from players, a determined individual may still be able to access the information using various tools and techniques.

Q: Can I use these methods for other types of files?

A: Yes, these methods can be applied to other types of files, such as XML, JSON, and CSV, as long as the file format supports comments, section names, and conditional statements.

Q: How do I encode content using Base64?

A: You can use online tools or programming languages like Python or JavaScript to encode content using Base64.

Method Description
Comment Out Use a semicolon `;` to comment out the content.
Obscure Section Names Use section names with special characters or underscores.
Encode Content Use a cipher or encoding scheme, such as Base64.
Conditional Statements Use conditional statements to control the flow of execution.

Remember to always prioritize security and take additional measures to protect your sensitive information.

Now, go ahead and add that hidden content to your TXT/LCR files, and keep your players in the dark!

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering how to add content into a txt or lcr file that will be blissfully ignored by players? You’re in the right place! Check out these FAQs to get the lowdown.

What kind of content can I add to a txt/lcr file that players will ignore?

You can add comments, notes, or even fun Easter eggs that players won’t see or interact with. Just make sure to format them correctly, and they’ll be safely tucked away from prying eyes!

How do I add comments to a txt/lcr file that players won’t see?

Easy peasy! Just start your comment with a semicolon (;) or a double slash (//), and players will skip right over it. This way, you can add notes or reminders for yourself or your team without affecting gameplay.

Can I add blank lines or whitespace to a txt/lcr file to make it easier to read?

Absolutely! Players will ignore blank lines or whitespace, so feel free to add them to make your code more readable. This is especially helpful when working with large files or complex gameplay mechanics.

Will adding custom data to a txt/lcr file affect gameplay or performance?

Not if you do it correctly! As long as you follow the proper formatting and syntax, adding custom data or comments won’t impact gameplay or performance. Just remember to test your changes thoroughly to ensure everything is working as intended.

Are there any specific guidelines or best practices for adding ignored content to txt/lcr files?

Yes! It’s essential to follow the specific formatting and syntax guidelines for your game or engine. Additionally, keep your comments and custom data organized, concise, and easy to understand. This will ensure that your additions don’t cause confusion or issues down the line.